Color modeling is the process of creating a mathematical representation of color and its properties. The most common color model is RGB (Red, Green, Blue), which is an additive color model used in digital imaging. Another popular color model is CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key), which is a subtractive color model used in printing. There are also other color models such as HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) and HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) that are used in computer graphics and image processing¹.
Color models are used to describe colors in a way that can be understood by computers. They are used in many applications such as image processing, computer graphics, and printing. Color models are also used to create color spaces which are used to define the range of colors that can be displayed or printed².
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
源: 与必应的对话, 2023/4/22(1) Color model - Wikipedia. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (2) Color Theory 101: A Complete Color Guide - Colors Explained. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (3) Additive & Subtractive Color Models > DINFOS Pavilion > Article. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (4) Image Processing 101 Chapter 1.2: Color Models - Dynamsoft. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (5) Color Models Explained (2023) • Colors Explained. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (6) Color Models - University of California, San Diego. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (7) PANTONE® USA | What are the different color models?. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (8) The Practical Guide To Color Theory For Photographers. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (9) Color theory - Wikipedia. 访问时间 2023/4/22.
国外的研究则更加广泛,不仅涉及到颜色空间模型的基础理论、应用以及算法等方面,还包括了颜色感知、颜色管理、颜色测量等方面。例如,美国科罗拉多大学的Mark D. Fairchild教授在2005年出版了一本名为《Color Appearance Models》的书籍,对颜色感知和颜色空间模型进行了详细介绍²。此外,还有一些其他的国外期刊和会议也发表了类似的综述文章。
源: 与必应的对话, 2023/4/22(1) (PDF) Understanding Color Models: A Review - ResearchGate. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (2) Research on Color Space Conversion Model from CMYK to CIE ... - Springer. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (3) (PDF) Color Space Transformation for Visual Enhancement ... - ResearchGate. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (4) (PDF) Color difference Delta E - A survey - ResearchGate. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (5) List of color spaces and their uses - Wikipedia. 访问时间 2023/4/22. (6) Understanding Color Spaces and Color Space Conversion. 访问时间 2023/4/22.
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